Celebrating 4 Years of Crosby & the Upcoming Holiday Season {Three Forks Family Photographer}

I LOVE Three Forks and one of my favorite things about going out to TF is getting to meet up with Dahls for photo shoots because I LOVE them too! Crosby just turned 4 years old and is such a handsome young lad who loves his sweet little sis Poppy.  I had a good chuckle when Christie told me that Crosby was the first to start getting all dressed up for pictures.  He even kept his tie on all evening after pictures (it is super cool just like his dads).  Following our photo shoot I went over to Christie's and she cut of 18" of my hair to donate to Wigs for Kids.  Needless to say this was quite an eventful Friday afternoon! Kudos to Bradley for choosing coordinating the colors for the photo shoot - you can never go wrong with Red & White!


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